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The Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP)

By 18 June 2021June 22nd, 2021No Comments

The Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP)


The Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP) aims to stimulate employment creation and job retention across sectors in the South African economy, including the audio-visual sector




1.        What is the NFVF Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP)?

A comprehensive plan to stimulate new employment and job retention in the South African audio-visual industry, following the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the economy.

2.        What is the closing date for the call?

10 December 2020, midnight. Submitting your application prior to the closing date is encouraged to avoid any technical problems.

3.        Which sector does this specific call address?

The audiovisual sector as determined by the NFVF mandate.

4.        What are the 4 streams?

Stream 1 is Production, Stream 2 is Skills Development, Stream 3 is Industry (distribution), and Stream 4 is Business Recovery.

5.        Who is eligible to benefit?

Practitioners – individuals and companies – within the sector with projects that can generate employment opportunities as businesses within the sector that incurred job losses (or are at risk of) due to the nationwide lockdown.

Concepts may encompass fiction and non-fiction, animation, as well as television concepts; and any other audio-visual concepts with the potential to contribute to the objectives of this Fund. Submissions from (or that target) Youth, Women, people with disabilities and previously disadvantaged groups/individuals are encouraged.

6.        How much is being availed for the PESP?

R140 million to be administered by the NFVF and completely disbursed by 31 March 2021 – R100 million earmarked for streams 1-3 and R40 million for stream 4.

7.        How much is each applicant limited to apply for under the different streams?

Allocation decisions will be determined by the advisory panels, bearing in mind that 100% funding of proposals may not be possible as the PESP serves as a stimulus to re-ignite economic activity (targeting employment) in the sector.

Please note that the NFVF Funding Policy Caps do not apply to this process. The funding will be based on the number of jobs to be created which must be clearly costed in the budget and indicate the associated cost to create these jobs.

 8.        What else is supported under the different streams?

Projects that support innovation in digitisation efforts for content creation (development and production) and the dissemination and development of e-commerce systems.

9.        How many employment opportunities will be created and retained?

The PESP aims to achieve the creation of 5000 jobs and retain 3000 jobs.

10.    What is the suggested length per project?

There is no prescribed length of projects, however the PESP funding available for a 3-month period, that ideally should not be too far beyond 31 March 2021.

11.    How many people can a project employ?

Proposals with an ability to employ at least ten (10) or more people will be prioritised.

12.    Will the PESP be treated according to NFVF Funding Policy Tiers?

Whilst the Funding Policy will only serve as a guide, the PESP will not be following established tiers, it will be open to all members of the audio-visual industry.

 13.    Who will be adjudicating the applications?

An independent advisory panel will evaluate the applications.  The adjudication process will be done in accordance with the published criteria.  Small adjustments will be made to accommodate stream specific questions, but the weighing will remain the same.  Therefore, the set criteria will be used as a guide.

 14.    How soon after being approved will payments be made?

Payments can be expected by the end of January 2021 provided all documents to facilitate payments are accurate and verified. If delays are anticipated, communication will be shared on the NFVF’s website and with applicants directly.

 15.    What if I already have a project with the NFVF, do I still qualify?

Yes. Current NFVF funding or an active application is not a disqualification factor.

 16.    What if I have been rejected by the NFVF for a project, can I send the same project for the PESP?

Yes. It may assist to strengthen your application if you implement feedback received on a previously rejected project.

17.    May NPO’s apply?

If you are an NPO in the film industry, yes, what we will not be funding are activities or projects that are not aligned to the NFVFs mandate.

18.    Does the production need to end in March?

Not necessarily. A project may have a lifespan for longer than 3months, but the support will only be available for 3months.

19.    Are we allowed to apply for more than one stream?


20.    What is the maximum amount to apply?

An independent panel is going to advise per application. We are looking for a minimum of 10 jobs created during the period, the panel will consider the experience in years for each job being created or retained as there is no blanket amount across the board, but expertise will be considered for this wage subsidy of the PESP.

21.    If you submitted projects for Funding under the past NFVF Cycle and are awaiting the outcome, can you submit the same projects to this Programme?

Yes, The PESP is a separate fund and is not allocated from the NFVF’s internal funding.

22.    What is the amount one can get for job retention?

The NFVF will not fund the holistic amount but a % of wage support and/or a % of operational costs. The panel will consider experience relevant for each job that will be supported.

23.    SARS is no longer giving tax clearances, just SARS pins, may I submit a pin?

We will accept a SARS document with a pin, and we will verify applications

 24.    Do I need to pay back the fund?

This grant is not recoupable, there is no expectation for practitioners to pay back the funds.

 25.    What are the timelines for the programme?

We anticipated to have the outcomes ready by January 2021.  The extension of the call to the 10th of December 2020 will result in timelines being adjusted by 10 days. The support itself is only for a period of 3months and the NFVF needs to have completed the project by March 2021.

 26.    Will this be a once-off payment?

The NFVF intends to pay all funds up front; especially because disbursement needs to have concluded by 31 March 2021.

 27.    Can anyone apply?

Applicants need to be people that are covered under the mandate of the NFVF and sectors outside the audiovisual sector are not covered.

28.    Will the cashflow start in January?

It is anticipated that payments should be concluded by the end of January 2021.

 29.    Will the stimulus be rebatable by the DTIC?

The DTIC does not rebate government grants.

 30.    Can one submit the same project to the NFVF and the NAC as well for funding of other elements of the project? 

The application for NFVF should meet the advertised Open Call of the NFVF to be considered. The NAC has its own requirements and its own closing dates. Please note, that all NAC applications are now closed. The last deadline was the 27th of November 2020.

 31.    Please can you confirm if you can apply for multiple projects

Yes, you may apply for multiple projects, however, it would be at the discretion of the advisory panel to ensure an outcome that would allow for more employment opportunities.

Please note that each applicant or company can only be approved for one project per stream.

 32.    Can you apply with a production company that is not in good standing with the CIPC?

To apply as a company, you need to be in good standing with CIPC because compliance is key when dealing with state funds. Applicants have the option of applying as individuals.

 33.    How are we going to be able to start the project in January for it to be 3 months?

The project may still commence in January, particularly if it is not completely dependent on the PESP funds for cashflow.

34.    Financial reporting is the same. When we submit Proof of payment documents, must the date reflect from the day the funds are in the bank account? EG if you want to begin shooting earlier.

The funds will be effective from the date of approval by the panel, but if the project starts early, the proposal needs to clearly indicate ongoing projects and the funds will cover the period that falls within the period until 31 March 2021.

The PESP will not be paying retrospectively, therefore practitioners may not claim for past expenses.

We would encourage applicants to review the requirements of each stream and determine which one is more suited for their proposal.

35.    In terms of 3-month employment – so if we start beginning Feb it goes through April – assuming outcomes mid-January – cashflow begins at the end of Jan

Yes, the project would need to ensure employment for a 3month period. The expenditure that accrued within the period until 31 March 2021 will be paid.

 36.    If you have a project that has received funding from NFVF but requires to Gap funding to complete can we apply for funding?

Yes, you may submit provided the project aims to employ 10 people. The funding from PESP covers employment cost and any related costs to enable the job creation.

 37.    What is the COVID 19 plan that aligns with the department of health?

That can be found on the Department of Health’s website ensuring everyone is compliant with COVID safety requirements.

 38.    I just registered my business, and I was told that I cannot get a tax clearance if my business is new, from both bank and SARs. What do I do? Do I continue to apply as a company or as an individual and will this influence the funding amount I get?

You can apply as an individual. Companies and individuals carry the same amount of weight and individuals applying will not be at a disadvantage. A tax pin would still be required.

39.    Is there a limit to the amount one can apply for?

There is no CAP, however, the Advisory Panel will use its discretion, this will be dependent on the strength of the proposal, the experience of the people to be appointed, the number of jobs created and the available budget.

 40.    If the cap is 3 months for the duration – will we get the outcome by the end of December?

The outcomes will be published in January 2021.

 41.    Can we apply for stream 1 and Stream 2? Or Stream 1 and stream 4?

Yes, applicants can apply for multiple streams provided the proposals meet the requirements of each stream.

 42.    I checked the form online and I noticed that there are 24 things which are needed to be uploaded and on the presentation, here its less than 10. May I have clarity?

The Praxis application forms (and upload section) were adjusted to ensure alignment with each respective stream. Please refer to the Portal again and contact us should the problem persist.

 43.    Can an applicant from any of the NFVF tiers apply that is tier 1, 2 and 3?

The NFVF is not utilising the NFVF’s Funding Policy tier system; so any one can apply regardless of how they are tiered by the NFVF.

 44.    Please may you explain – candidates only have to try and keep the jobs for three months? What about after?

No. All projects are encouraged to create jobs that can sustain beyond the funded 3-month period.

 45.    SARS has indicated that we will get a SARS pin instead of a TCC. Does this comply with NFVF submissions?

Yes, a tax pin may be submitted. The NFVF will do a compliance check.

 46.    Is there any confirmation email that is sent to us after submission? I did submit last week but I did not get any confirmation, and your system online say it is submitted.

The application portal will notify you once you have completed your application.

 47.    When you mention “scarce skills”, are there specific skills that the NFVF has in mind?

The scarce skills will depend on the scarce skills profile of your province, district or local municipality. Please note that applicants will have to research what the scarce industry skills are in their region. The NFVF did a skills audit report in 2016, you may consider reading this report as reference material. This report is found on our website.

 48.    The Company details tab on the online application has a section called Job Opportunities and asks to list one by one Job Type, Job Spec, Gender, race, No of People and No of Disabled. Are you saying that for each job we must state which race and gender the job is reserved for? Probably not, I guess, but then the form is problematic since it will not let us complete the job opportunities section without those details.

Yes, you are expected to complete these sections as this information is needed for audit purposes.

At this stage you are not required to put names of the personnel, however, you should be able to list the demographics.

 49.    If you submitted projects for Funding under the past NFVF Cycle and are awaiting the outcome, can you submit the same projects to this Programme?


 50.    So, will the funding only be for a portion of the salary of each job created? Nothing else (i.e. equipment hires, travel etc. for production)?

The PESP is primarily a wage subsidy support system. However, it is permissible to submit a detailed budget that displays the costs of the items that enable employment creation to assist the panels in decision making.

51.    Applying as an individual is my personal tax number okay to use?


52.    I would like to ask do podcast Productions fall in any category.

Please note that the PESP is funding web series. The Call is for audiovisual content only.

 53.    My concern is the amount of funds we can apply for. Normally NFVF’s maximum funding for feature films production is R1.8M. Does this mean we must apply for less than 1m?

The PESP is not based on NFVF funding but based on the number of employment opportunities you can create.

 54.    What if you have already begun the application before the changes? Do I need to reapply? P.S I had not submitted the application, just began the process.

You are still able to complete your application, up until the closing date. No late submissions will be accepted.

 55.    What if you have two production companies collaborating for the stimulus?

Two companies can go into a joint venture and apply together. A signed agreement between the companies must be attached to the application.



1.        What is in the Production Open Call?

Production proposals including fiction and non-fiction including documentaries, animation, television concepts and any other audio-visual concepts.

2.        What are the compulsory application requirements for Production Call?

  • Proposal synopsis (half-a-page)
  • Brief project summary (maximum 5 pages)
  • Treatment (maximum 20 pages)
  • Fully developed script
  • CVs with career profiles of the key creative team
  • Development and production schedule
  • Marketing and distribution strategy
  • Production Company’s (or Individual) experience and previous productions
  • Detailed Budget and recoupment plan
  • A full credit list/total number of jobs to be created


3.        Animation is a lengthy process – we are aiming for production funds – but our deliverables may only be pre-prod concept and an animatic. Does that comply for the NFVF?

Yes, the deliverables must be stated clearly.

 4.        Can my projects be a Co-Production?

Yes. however, all other funding must be secured, and they must be able to start principle photography within three months from approval.

 5.        Can my project be an existing project that requires additional funding?

Yes. All projects are eligible.

 6.        For a feature film submission should I submit a full script?

For fiction production, you do need to submit a full script.

For non-fiction production/ documentary you do need to submit an outline and treatment

7.        How strict are you on the 3-month employment period? What if development, pre-production, production, and post-production all comes to just less than 3 months for a short fiction?

The stimulus must be over three months, this can be from pre-production all the way to post-production.

 8.        What is excluded on the budget for production call? You confirmed that crew, cast, and gear is included. Things like travel and accommodation etc.? Is there anything not included?

The department made a concession for some operational costs such as equipment hire; however, this does not include accommodation and travel.

 9.        Also, the challenge was the 20 pages treatment and half a page synopsis. what if your treatment is not more than 20 pages?

If the Treatment is less than 20 please pages, please ensure that all critical elements are covered. The 20 pages were also to accommodate references from a look and feel the point of view.

 10.    We are currently shooting a 13-episode tv series for a community tv station, the station is not paying for the content. Can we still apply for funding? We already have a broadcast agreement from the station.

Please note that the PESP does not cover 100% of the cost and is only available for 3 month’s worth of wage (and/or operational costs) subsidy. Please attach the commitment letter from the broadcaster as a supporting document.

 11.    When pitching for feature film production funding: Is the funding that will be paid out to be used solely for the payment of the production crew or can it include the cost of other elements?

The primary focus of the stimulus is job creation and job retention. Please note that DSAC has made some concessions, however, the advisory panel will determine what is reasonable. Please note the stimulus does not cover 100% of your costs.

 12.    For documentary do I need to submit a script?

An outline and creative treatment should be sufficient. Please make sure that your treatment is as detailed as possible. For non-fiction production/ Documentary you need to submit an outline and treatment.

13.    It is not clear do we include a development budget to the requested budget, or the script needs to be developed.

The script needs to be fully developed.

 14.    We submitted to the section called TV Pilots. We submitted a script and budget accordingly. We were not aware of the requirement for 2 episodes. May we reopen our application to add an episode?

Yes, a request would need to be sent to

 15.    So, what you answered about actors in terms of the budget also goes for presenters?

For the specific purpose of the PESP, screen cast and presenters are covered in the stimulus, as long as the principles of a portions of wage support are understood.

 16.    In a 13 episode, tv-series is a script necessary for every episode or will a breakdown per episode be acceptable

The applicants must submit a full script for the first episode and the rest an outline. The breakdown is fine.

 17.    Does stream 1 also includes actors in the budget or do you only put for crew members?

For the sole purpose of the PESP, the NFVF has included screen actors as qualifying categories of employment opportunities in this fund.  

 18.    I do not have the budget to develop my short film script does the script need to be developed?

Yes, the fund is aimed at production and job employment. 

 19.    Do you only accept concepts that have completed scripts as we have proposals with incomplete scripts?

We will only accept incomplete scripts if they are in the final stages of completion.

20.    Could I still put forward a production application even though we do not have a full polished script? Maybe submit first 10 pages of the script? Can the budget then include a small fee for development purposes?

The project should be in completion stages of development to ensure that production begins within the stipulated time.

 21.    On the recoupment plan – can you clarify expectations on this?

As this is a grant, a recoupment plan would not be required.

 22.    Concerning the recoupment plan: Should this be a SCHEDULE of when recoupment will be made, or should this be an EXPLANATION as to HOW the recoupment will be made?

As this is a grant, a recoupment plan would not be required.

 23.    Can you explain what you are expecting of the recoupment plan of a short film – which is the only type of animation film possible in three months?

As this is a grant, a recoupment plan would not be required.

 24.    Production funding is not usually for sole proprietors; would an individual be able to receive production funding, or does it need to be a registered company?

Individuals or companies may apply for this fund.

 25.    Can a company apply for the development of a slate of film/tv scripts to employ more than 10 people? Completed at the end of March?

The stimulus does not cover development.

 26.    Does stream 1 only fund salaries or can we get grant funding for other production expenses?

Submit the entire budget and state which amount will go to the salaries and other production expenses. The advisory panel will review the entire application.

27.    If you are applying for a feature film production… should you have had a distribution deal?


 28.    Doesn’t the 10 or more people minimum apply only to production stream?

The 10 or more people minimum apply to all streams.

 29.    Is PESP only for production? What about development?

The PESP is specifically focused on job employment and job retention with a specific focus on production.

 30.    For stream 1, must you have only experienced people in key roles, like someone’s who’s managed shows before and big budgets or can you have someone with minimal experience who’s managed low budget? or must you combine them or can you combine them?

The team can have people at different levels, however, the person accountable must have the experience, or must have managed a budget close to the one being requested.

 31.    Can I send a proposal that incorporates both development and production schedules?

Only production proposals will be allowed, a full development of projects is not allowed.

 32.    Can independent Writers apply for PESP?

Only if the writer is producing the project; and can demonstrated an employment creation potential as prescribed in the call. The focus of the NFVF PESP is production.

 33.    If you are only going to be providing answers by end December, how is it possible to get contracts signed by then as well, especially if the NFVF funding is only going be partial, i.e., other parties need to know that this funding is available before they commit?

The NFVF has put in place project management systems to ensure smooth and speedy management of the process – including evaluation, appeals, notifications and payments.

 34.    If a production provides 60 new jobs, can the producer apply for funding for production design, catering, transport, locations, etc.?

Submit the entire budget and state which amount will go to the salaries and other production costs.

 35.    Please explain how to fill the Job Opportunities section in the Stream 1 application?

You need to fill in the crew list; mention the roles and the demographics of the people you are planning to use. At this stage it is fine is you do not have the names of the people yet. However, for auditing purposes, you should be able to provide demographics.

 36.    With regards to stream, with the submission of a feature film, does the production have to provide both a full script and a screenplay?

It is the same thing.

 37.    Does the production call also include unscripted shows like reality shows for a web series?


 38.    I have 4 short films that form part of a miniseries, I have the script for 1 so far, can I apply?

You can apply for pilot funding; we will not be funding serialized content.

39.    Can one apply for multiple projects in the same stream? Example of a documentary and a series?

Yes, you may apply for multiple projects, however, it would be at the discretion of the advisory panel to ensure an outcome that would allow for more employment opportunities.

 40.    If I already submitted an incomplete application for production. Can I resubmit a complete one since there is an extension?

Yes, you are still able to complete your application, up until the new closing date of 10 December 2020.  Please note there will be no further extensions.  



 1.        What is in the Skills Development Call?

  • Training and development initiatives and proposals with a demonstrated job creation ability.
  • What are the compulsory application requirements for Skills Development?
  • Training programme outlines with objectives
  • Timelines
  • Selection criteria
  • CVs of the facilitator
  • Detailed Budget


2.        Can internships and mentorship be under commissioned work?


 3.        Stream 2 training – 12-month program in 2D Animation with a 3-month internship following would only be completed by end April 2022 – would that disqualify application?

Yes, this project may be submitted under stream 2 bearing if the applicant aims to utilize the funds by the end of the 2021 calendar year.

4.        Am I understanding a project funded on Stream 2 end of Jan 2021, need to be COMPLETE by end March 2021? I.e.: 2 months from pre-prod to end of post and with a minimum of 10 employees and a training program?

No, the PESP intends to provide a stimulus for employment creation. While support will be available for a maximum of 3 months, applicants are encouraged to submit proposals that have the potential to have an extended and self-sustaining lifespan of beyond 3 months. On the part of the NFVF, the funds disbursement must be complete by 31 March 2021; however, it is recognized that projects that benefit from the PESP may have a longer lifespan beyond 31 March 2021.

 5.        So, if we would like to apply for stream 2, Training program, do we need to be registered with MICT SETA or department of education?

You do not need to be registered with MICT SETA; however, you would need to have recognized experts in the field.

Kindly advise how we go about the capped amount of R350000 currently on the skills development stream. The system does not allow a higher amount at the moment.

The system has been rectified, you may apply for a high amount, however, please do keep in mind that the stimulus will not necessarily cover 100% of the cost. 

 6.        Do companies have to be accredited to offer internships and mentorship?

You do not need to be accredited to offer an internship/ mentorship; however, you would need to have formal expertise in the field.

7.        In terms of internships or mentoring, can a company apply for an internship that lasts for 12 months even though the funds would have been committed before 21 March 2021?

Yes, a company may submit this application provided it is understood that the PESP support is available for a maximum 3-month period.

 8.        I am a self-made camera operator and I want to impart the knowledge on to young women in my community, can you apply for stream 2?

Yes, you can apply, its either you are accredited to train in the field.




 1.         What is in the Industry Call?

Distribution proposals with the potential to create jobs.

2.        Can you please elaborate on Stream 3? Is this for streaming platforms or just for marketing and distribution via already established platforms?

The distribution stream can include traditional distribution channels, marketing, festivals, as well as digital distribution proposals.

3.        What are the compulsory application requirements for Industry Call?

  • CVs of key management
  • Project Plan
  • Activation area(s)
  • Audience Development Strategy
  • A unique selling point demonstrating sustainability and contribution to industry recovery and growth.
  • Proposed screening schedule and structure.


4.        ​ If we have a streaming platform that would be able to hire approximately 20 people, can we apply via Stream3?


5.        For outdoor screenings does the budget include operational costs and licensing fees/screening rights?

Your detailed budget plan may display all the items that enable employment creation.

 6.        If you have a short film already, are you still legible for distribution?

Yes, you may apply under stream 3, please pay attention to the job creation requirements.

 7.        I am in the process of having a new TV channel, pilots are being shot but what type of template does one use to pitch the idea to the NFVF? and who directly do we contact for such an idea?

In general, the NFVF does not fund broadcasters, however, there are items that relate to the PESP, you need to study the call and determine which streams closely relate to your proposal.

 8.        Can I apply for both Production and Marketing and distribution?

Yes, you can apply for multiple funding streams, if you are able to provide employment opportunities in each of the streams applied for.

9.        If you have a film already and just needs distribution, are you still legible?

Yes, you can apply under stream 3 funding.

10.    On praxis, you are required to fill in the film details and synopsis, plots and stuff. but we are doing an outdoor screening project. What do we fill in in that tab?

This form has been redesigned and adapted to the requirements of the stream. Kindly consult Praxis again; and should the problem persist, please contact us urgently at

 11.    What if I have a project that is ready for implementation and only requires Marketing and Distribution funds?

The proposal would be eligible under Stream 3, provided the Marketing and Distribution funds requested can demonstrate employment creation.




 1.        What is in the Business Recovery Stream?

Proposals with job retention or recovery potential from businesses or individuals who were negatively affected by COVID-19. Companies/businesses in this category will need to disclose/demonstrate the full scope of lost employment (actual and potential) i.e. affected job categories; the number of persons; age, race demographics etc. Proposals in this stream may include historical payroll data for the twelve (12) months to 31 March 2020 as well as year-to-date payroll data (1 April to 30 September 2020); should the latter exist; and an income statement providing information on operating expenses.

2.        What are the compulsory application requirements for Business Recovery?

  • Recovery plan for the company.
  • Proposed project plan/list of projects or active projects.
  • Historical payroll data for the 12 months ended 31 March 2020, and payroll data year to date (1 April to 30 September 2020).
  • List of jobs to be created.
  • Income statement reflecting operating expenses.
  • The cost incurred due to COVID 19


3.        Can cancelled festivals apply?

The PESP cannot fund retrospectively, however, if you intend to revive plans to host the canceled festival during 2021, you may apply under stream 3.

4.        We have a festival that was planned for 2020 but was cancelled and it will take place in 2021 Oct. we currently working on the festival planning and would like to employ more interns. Which stream can we apply for?

You may apply for Stream 3 (Distribution) and/or Stream 4 (Business Recovery). But it’s important to indicate the number of people to be employed and their expertise as that will be important for the panel in deciding to allocate funding. In addition, it is important to note that an employment opportunity must exist for at least 3 months.



 1.        How to apply?

Applicants need to register and complete the online application form using the following link: 

 2.        What if I have problems with the online system? Are drop-offs allowed?

No drop-off will be allowed due to COVID restriction. For queries contact  or and they will be able to take you through the system step by step.

3.        Is there an email/number I can call for someone to assist me with my application? or 011 483 0880. We advise applicants to contact us before the closing date to avoid any last-minute disappointments.

4.        When and how will the successful applicants be notified?

Successful applicants will be notified by the end of January 2021.

5.        What is the appeal process should an application be declined?

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by mid- January 2021 and provided with an opportunity to submit appeals by 20 January 2021.

 6.        How many days will the appeal process take?

The process will not exceed 15 days. Appeals are expected to be concluded by 31 January 2021.

7.        What if there is dissatisfaction with the internal appeals process? And can this be escalated to DSAC?

No. The appeals process ends with the appeals panel administered by the NFVF.

8.        What are the factors considered for evaluation?

Functionality – demonstrable project management capability and likelihood for high impact success i.e. project success, number of jobs created, and geographical reach.

Scarce Skills Gap – training and development proposals with the potential to address the scarce skills gap, while creating employment opportunities.

Geographical spread – deliberate focus on proposals that target underserviced areas as well as areas with high population density and therefore resultant high unemployment.

Ability to create ten (10) or more industry jobs.

9.        What are the Compulsory documents for individual applicants?

All the upload with a red star next to it are compulsory and not including will lead to a disqualification below is a list of other documents

  • Certified copy of Identity Document.
  • Individual Tax Certificate.
  • Comprehensive CV.
  • Budget and proposed project.
  • COVID-19 Plan aligned with the National Department of Health and Department of Employment and Labour regulations.


10.    What are the Compulsory documents for Company applications?

All the upload with a red star next to it are compulsory and not including will lead to a disqualification below is a list of other documents

  • CVs of key personnel.
  • Budget and proposed project.
  • Original valid tax clearance certificate (MUST BE VALID FOR 3 MONTHS);
  • Company registration documents.
  • COVID-19 Plan aligned with the National Department of Health and Department of Employment and Labour regulations.


 1.    What are the evaluation stages?

Stage 1 – Administrative Compliance

During this stage, applicants will be assessed on their submission of mandatory documents as stipulated in the call. The Adjudication Panel has the discretion to disqualify applicants who have not submitted all mandatory documents.

Stage 2 – Functionality Evaluation

Applicants who provided all required administration documents will be evaluated on functionality contained in the call.

Stage 3; is approval by DSAC

The advisory panel which makes a list of recommendation and sends to DSAC for approval.


12.  I want to apply for stream 3. I have been to the portal and started my registration. Where do I go after entering my details and company details because it goes to film details?

Marketing and distribution

Under film, details click the dropdown menu and select what you are marketing and distributing animation

  • feature film
  • documentary and
  • short).


If you are trying to apply for festival hosting- under applicant’s details, there is an option where it says project details (under the street address)

  • There is a dropdown menu, it says projects type:
  • Click on a festival option.
  • indoors / outdoors or other
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